Privacy Policy


Club Fairway, owned and operated by Club Fairway Pty Ltd (ABN 9 666 974 0630), with its registered office in Victoria, Australia, is committed to safeguarding your privacy. This Privacy Policy, developed and prepared in compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, describes how we collect and use Personal Information from users of our website and official social media accounts. This Privacy Policy forms part of our terms and conditions, member conditions and any of our various agreements with you.

By accessing and/or using our website, products or services, you hereby consent to the collection and use of your Personal Information by Club Fairway, if you disagree with any of the following information, please refrain from using or accessing our Services, Products or Website.

Australian Privacy Principles:

In developing this Privacy Policy, we have adopted the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth), these principles govern the standards, rights and obligations surrounding;

  • The collection, use and disclosure of personal information;
  • An organisation or agency’s governance and accountability;
  • Integrity and correction of personal information; and
  • The rights of individuals to access their personal information.

By accessing and/or using our Website you have the necessary authorisations to use the Website, Products or Services and process Personal Information, please read our Privacy Policy closely to understand how Club Fairway collects, use’s, protects and discloses your personal information.

The Collection of Your Personal Information:

Personal Information is information that can be used to identify an individual, including an opinion, log and device information. Upon registration with Club Fairway, you provide Personal Information such as your name(s), addresses, email addresses, phone number, bank account or credit card details and more. Further interactions between you and Club Fairway may result in email correspondence which we also deem as Personal Information.

Your Personal Information is obtained in numerous ways including through your interactions with our Website and Official Social Media accounts, by telephone, correspondence, email, facsimile and even from external sources such as publications, third parties, the media and other publicly available sources. It is important to note that this Privacy Policy relates to and applies to the Website, Products and Services of Club Fairway only and does not extend to any of our partners or authorised third parties.

We may also collect information regarding log information (IP address, previous websites visited, pages viewed, access times) and location information (strictly with your consent) and other cookie/tracking technologies.

Why We Collect Your Information

The primary reason for which we collect your information is to contact you, fulfil your service requests and improve our Services, Products and Website, this may include providing you and/or our clients information and marketing material. At times we may also use for information for secondary reasons relating to administration needs, research and development and cyber security.

We may also retain your information after termination or deactivation of your services for archival purposes. We will not publicly disclose your Personal Information, except as described in this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to remove content or messages if necessary to comply with the law, investigate illegal activities, protect our rights or property, or exercise or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of the Website, our users, or others.


By providing your email and phone number on our website, you may from time to time receive marketing and promotional materials from us, including but not limited to promotional offers, newsletters, and information about new products or services.

The information you provide may be used to contact you via email or phone, even without submitting any forms. You can opt out of receiving marketing material by emailing us at or unsubscribing from our emails.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

While we will endeavour to inform users or any changes to our Privacy Policy, it is your responsibility to review any modifications to this Privacy Policy, by continuing to access/use our Services, Products and Website, you consent to any Privacy Policy alternations/changes.

Useful Definitions Relating to This Privacy Policy

"Collect" refers to gathering, acquiring, or obtaining information in a manner where the individual can be identified.

"Expressly Informed" means when Club Fairway provides users with a clear statement, either verbal or written, regarding the Express Consent Consequences.

"Opt Out" denotes an individual's expressed request not to receive further Direct Marketing communications.

"Personal Information" refers to information that is not Sensitive Information and includes data or opinions, whether true or not, recorded in any form, about an identifiable individual. This includes, but is not limited to, names, email addresses, phone numbers, passwords, and addresses.

"Primary Purpose" represents the main reason for collecting any Personal Information.

"Reasonable Expectation" refers to a reasonable individual's expectation that their personal information might be used or disclosed for a specific purpose.

"Secondary Purpose" denotes a purpose of use or disclosure other than the Primary Purpose.

"Sensitive Information" holds the meaning provided in section 6(1) of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

"Use" refers to the handling of Personal Information by Club Fairway.

Information Shared During the Transaction Process

By using our Website, you consent and agree to enter transactions and share your information with third party providers who have been engaged to facilitate a safe and secure transaction. Club Fairway will not be held liable for any breach of privacy or security related to the aforementioned information, any breach and associated dispute is to be taken up directly with the Third Party, without involving Club Fairway.

When interacting with partners or authorised third parties, we advise caution and discretion when providing/disclosing your bank account and/or credit card details alongside any other confidential information.

Disclosure of Your Personal Information

Your Personal Information may be disclosed during various circumstances, including the following;

  • To law enforcement, government officials, or in lawsuits if we deem necessary to address safety, fraud or security concerns.
  • To law enforcement, government officials, or in lawsuits if we deem necessary to address safety, fraud or security concerns.
  • Where required by law
  • Credit reporting agencies

We will not sell your information and will not disclose your Personal Information in a way that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy except as required by law. We will not share your Personal Information with third parties for their own marketing purposes without your consent.

Up to Date Information

We will consider and make reasonable and justifiable efforts to ensure your Personal Information is up to date, though it is your responsibility to ensure that it is. Please inform us of any changes or errors within your Personal Information as soon as it becomes known to you.

The Protection of Your Personal Information:

Club Fairway employs various measures that ensure your Personal Information is stored in a manner to protect your information from unauthorised access, misuse and loss. By using our Website, Products or Services and providing Personal Information, you agree to receive electronic communications regarding security, privacy, and administrative issues relevant to you.

Access to Your Personal Information

You may access your information on our website under Account Information, to update or correct it, this information may not be exhaustive, in which case you may contact us In writing to access your Personal Information.

You have the option to opt out of receiving marketing or promotional communications by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in the emails or by contacting us directly.

You may request the deletion of your personal data, but please note that we may be required to retain certain information for legal purposes.

You can decline to submit personal data, but this may limit certain services available to you.

Under 18 Information

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are under 18, please do not provide any personal data. If we become aware of having collected personal data from a child under 18, we will delete it promptly.

Authorised Third Parties or Partners

Our website contains links to other websites. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy practices. We encourage you to review their privacy policies.

Notification Procedures:

We will provide notifications to you via email, written notice, or conspicuous posting on the website, as determined by us. The form and means of notification are at our discretion.

Phishing and Scam Emails:

Under no circumstances would we request your personal information through unsolicited emails, we advise you not to provide information during such a situation or click on links that appear suspicious. If you receive or come across an email as such, please contact us at

Breach of Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend accounts or remove content that violates our privacy policy. Please respect the privacy concerns of others.

Conflict and Clarification:

In the instance whereby there is inconsistency with other terms, agreements, conditions and guidelines on our website or within content we have created, please contact us for clarification for the final provision and interpretation.

Australian Assistance and Access Laws:

The Assistance and Access Act allows law enforcement and security agencies to seek assistance from the full scope of companies that supply communication services and devices in Australia. While we will do all that we reasonably do to protect your information and data, we must comply with state and national laws.

When you use our Products, Services, or Website, you expressly release and indemnify us from any liability from sharing data in any way shape or form at the direction of the Australian Government and its agencies and any use by a third party in relation to the above.

Complaints and Enquiries:

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the way in which we handle information as it relates to your personal information, please contact us at